Beautiful river that begins in the Green Swamp region of Florida.
2 minutes of footage wrapped up into 12 seconds.
Jon Semmes sings a song he wrote about Florida, you gotta hear it.
Members brought all the fixins for a turkey dinner and saluted veteran's with memories and stories. Sailboats, powerboats and pontoon boats all rafted up for the festivities.
Another great club potluck was held at the home of Francois and Helen who just did an amazing job making us feel welcome.
This is just one of many of the coastal cleanups that this club has helped with. This one took place off of Cedar Key, Fl.
Boating club members along with the Gulf Atlantic Yacht Club enjoyed the holiday spirit with food, beverages and live music.
Always an amazing time with great food, great friends and some boating along the way.
Never a dull moment and always a lot of fun. The competition is fierce.
The Gainesville Boating Club explores Amelia Island for the weekend.
Start your sail boat and get in the gutter. The first annual in-the-gutter Regatta.